Sorting Array of Objects using Ruby and Python

From my previous post, I had explained on how to sort an array consists of objects by object’s attribute using PHP. While on PHP sorting by object’s attribute requires additional function other than sorting itself, Ruby and Python has it’s own array of object sorting syntax. For example in Ruby, the following one line syntax will sort an array named population by comparing it’s objects length property (attribute) ascendingly without Continue reading Sorting Array of Objects using Ruby and Python

Sorting Array of Objects Using PHP

Consider you have an array or list of objects and wanted to sort it based on one attribute of objects. If the array consists of integer, it is very easy to sort it ascendingly using sort() function, otherwise if the array consists of objects, you have to create custom sorting function which is passed to the PHP usort() function. Here is an example on how to manually sort array of Continue reading Sorting Array of Objects Using PHP

Hello, Ruby!

Ruby was come preinstalled on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, so for you who want to develop application using Ruby this one will come in handy. To check the Ruby version installed on your Mac, fire up the Terminal, and type: ruby -v For other OSes please refer to this article in downloading and installing Ruby on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Open Source GIS Library for .NET Framework Application

If you are going to develop a GIS application based on Microsoft .NET Framework, there are 2 two free/open source libraries which you can use out of the box. The first one is DotSpatial and the second one is Easy GIS .NET. Both of them offer complete features and easy integration in your Microsoft .NET application. Both DotSpatial and Easy GIS .NET are able to render ESRI .shp map files Continue reading Open Source GIS Library for .NET Framework Application

CSS Starter Snippets

Below is CSS starter to reset CSS properties which are predefined by web browsers. html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, Continue reading CSS Starter Snippets

Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Apache HTTP Server (httpd) was included out of the box of Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) if you don’t know already. Prior to Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) can simply turn on “Web Sharing” to start Apache Web Server service, but from 10.8 onward you’ll need to use command line to start the Apache web server. mentioned here that we can use apachectl command to start and stop Continue reading Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

PHP Development: A Test-Driven

All Code is Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Even good programmers make mistakes. The difference between a good programmer and a bad programmer is that the good programmer uses tests to detect his mistakes as soon as possible. The sooner you test for a mistake the greater your chance of finding it and the less it will cost to find and fix. This explains why leaving testing until just before Continue reading PHP Development: A Test-Driven

Easy Install PHP Mcrypt Extension on Ubuntu Linux

Most of web-based application development todays were developed using database. The most popular one is using PHP and MySQL. When developing using MySQL most of beginners were using phpMyAdmin as their power tools in database CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) as well as databases/tables creation and manipulation. PhpMyAdmin supports encryption feature which enables database developers to raise their application security bar in database. In order to use encryption feature in PHP, phpMyAdmin need Continue reading Easy Install PHP Mcrypt Extension on Ubuntu Linux

UI/UX Design Principles

Combined with a User Experience Design (UXD/UED) with basic design principles, as explained in Swinburne Multimedia Design Tutorial may deliver a great experiences to user application in various media. The basic design principles explained, consists of: Proximity Visual Hierarchy Symmetry / Asymmetry Repetition Unity Contrast Dynamics Emphasis