Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: PHP File and Directory Handling

Update 21 Maret 2013: Contoh penanganan data dari form pada file dapat di-download. Berikut ini adalah slide presentasi pada pertemuan IV: PHP File and Directory Handling untuk mata kuliah Pemrograman Web semester Genap 2012/2013. Kelas yang diampu adalah kelas: Sistem Informasi A Sistem Informasi B Informatika A Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pertemuan keempat mata kuliah ini mencakup penjelasan mengenai: File Handling Open and Closing File FIle Open Modes Read Data Opening Continue reading Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: PHP File and Directory Handling

Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: Introduction To Web Technologies

Berikut ini adalah slide presentasi pada pertemuan II: Introduction to Dynamic Web (Pengenalan pada Website Dinamis) untuk mata kuliah Pemrograman Web semester Genap 2012/2013. Kelas yang diampu adalah kelas: Sistem Informasi A Sistem Informasi B Informatika A Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pertemuan kedua mata kuliah ini mencakup penjelasan mengenai: definisi website dinamis, berbagai macam teknologi yang digunakan untuk membangun website yang dinamis, kategori dokumen yang dihasilkan dalam web teknologi server-side, client-side, serta Continue reading Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: Introduction To Web Technologies

CSS Box Model

HTML elements consists of inline and block elements. All of them are box models even for inline elements such as <em>, <span>, or <strong>. Each box has it’s own (default) border, margin, and padding size. Put the following CSS code to your web pages to see (the box) by yourself temporarily: * { border: 1px solid red !important; } With the above CSS, all elements will have a 1px solid Continue reading CSS Box Model

A Proposed Design for PTIIK Mobile Application Logo

The above image is a proposed logo design for PTIIK Mobile Application. Basically it was a simple idea. PTIIK has been developing an integrated information system between it’s internal and external system. So it would be best if the designed logo reflect the description with the connected > and < shape to form an “X” letter as in eXchange. The blue-ish and orange-ish color used in the logo are the Continue reading A Proposed Design for PTIIK Mobile Application Logo

Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: Introduction To Dynamic Web

Berikut ini adalah slide presentasi pada pertemuan II: Introduction to Dynamic Web (Pengenalan pada Website Dinamis) untuk mata kuliah Pemrograman Web semester Genap 2012/2013. Kelas yang diampu adalah kelas: Sistem Informasi A Sistem Informasi B Informatika A Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pertemuan kedua mata kuliah ini mencakup penjelasan mengenai: definisi website dinamis, berbagai macam teknologi yang digunakan untuk membangun website yang dinamis, kategori dokumen yang dihasilkan dalam web teknologi server-side, client-side, Continue reading Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: Introduction To Dynamic Web

Thread in Android: An Example

StrictMode is most commonly used to catch accidental disk or network access on the application’s main thread, where UI operations are received and animations take place. Keeping disk and network operations off the main thread makes for much smoother, more responsive applications. By keeping your application’s main thread (UI thread) responsive, you also prevent ANR (Application Not Responding) dialogs from being shown to users. Network requests being made on UI thread may Continue reading Thread in Android: An Example

Responsive Web Design

“Responsive Web Design” or RWD or a hashtag #rwd on Twitter has become a great plague in web design just like AJAX technologies which arise a few years ago. Almost all people uses AJAX to run their website. Nowadays, people are talking Responsive Web Design rather than CSS3 media queries technology like people are talking jQuery rather than the AJAX technologies itself. What is Reponsive Web Design? Responsive web design (often Continue reading Responsive Web Design

PHP Development: A Test-Driven

All Code is Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Even good programmers make mistakes. The difference between a good programmer and a bad programmer is that the good programmer uses tests to detect his mistakes as soon as possible. The sooner you test for a mistake the greater your chance of finding it and the less it will cost to find and fix. This explains why leaving testing until just before Continue reading PHP Development: A Test-Driven

UI/UX Design Principles

Combined with a User Experience Design (UXD/UED) with basic design principles, as explained in Swinburne Multimedia Design Tutorial may deliver a great experiences to user application in various media. The basic design principles explained, consists of: Proximity Visual Hierarchy Symmetry / Asymmetry Repetition Unity Contrast Dynamics Emphasis