DOM, JavaScript, dan jQuery

Berikut ini adalah topik materi kuliah konsep dasar mengenai DOM, Javascript, dan jQuery untuk mata kuliah Desain Web di Program Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer semester Ganjil 2014/2015. Adapun materi terkait yang terdapat dalam pertemuan ini antara lain: HTML DOM, and DOM Objects Accessing DOM and Objects property Modifying DOM and Node Javascript Embedding Javascript Variables in Javascript Functions in Javascript jQuery jQuery Selectors jQuery Getters and Setters Styling using Continue reading DOM, JavaScript, dan jQuery

Desain Web: Tugas

Berikut ini adalah tugas untuk mata kuliah Desain Web pada kelas yang diampu berikut: Sistem Informasi – C Sistem Informasi – D dengan tugas sebagai berikut: Pelajari materi tentang DOM, Javascript, dan jQuery berikut: Desain-Web-04-DOM-Javascript-and-jQuery. Unduh file: tugas.html Ubah/modifikasi file tugas.html tersebut dengan menambahkan Javascript, CSS, dan/atau jQuery untuk: 1. Menganimasikan konten dalam tag <p> 2. Mengubah konten dalam tag <p> 3. Mengubah style CSS tag <p> Modifikasi file tersebut dengan menggunakan Javascript/jQuery. Continue reading Desain Web: Tugas

Troubleshoot: PHP `No Input File Specified` Error

Are you using pretty URL on your web application or website? Having problem with “No input file specified error” from PHP? Confused why my PHP code is not working? The PHP code is working flawlessly on localhost but why is not  working now? Which php file is causing this error? Is it web server or PHP related problem? If some of questions answer is yes and when you are using Continue reading Troubleshoot: PHP `No Input File Specified` Error

Backup Your MySQL Database Contents to SQL File Using PHP

Here’s a snippet to backup MySQL database content to SQL file using PHP code. This code is very useful when you want to make a daily or hourly snapshot of your currently running database. Or maybe you want to add a backup feature on your blog CMS. backup_tables(‘localhost’,’username’,’password’,’blog’); /* backup the db OR just a table */ function backup_tables($host,$user,$pass,$name,$tables = ‘*’) { $link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($name,$link); //get all of the Continue reading Backup Your MySQL Database Contents to SQL File Using PHP

Fixing Apache 2 “Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName” Error on Raspberry Pi Wheezy

You might probably find this error while starting/restarting Apache web server on Raspberry Pi Wheezy: root@raspi:# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [….] Restarting web server: apache2apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName … waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName . ok This error caused by Apache’s ServerName confguration is missing in apache2.conf file. So, as Continue reading Fixing Apache 2 “Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName” Error on Raspberry Pi Wheezy

Perfect Full Element Background Image With CSS3

An HTML element can have a background image. Normally we set it no-repeat, repeat-x, or repeat-y, regardless it is centered or x-y-positioned. There is time we may want it to be covered all over an element, regardless it’s size. Now, we can do this purely through CSS thanks to the background-size property now in CSS3. We’ll use the html element (better than body as it’s always at least the height Continue reading Perfect Full Element Background Image With CSS3

File Handling in PHP: Read/Write To And From Text File

As a simple data storage alternative to Database Management System (e.g. MySQL) in PHP we can use plain text file. For example, a plain text file to store page counter information. Below is an example on how to store a simple string (text) into a text (.txt) file: <?php $data = ‘some text’; $fp = fopen(‘counter.txt’, ‘w’); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); } ?> Assuming a file named counter.txt exists Continue reading File Handling in PHP: Read/Write To And From Text File

Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: PHP File and Directory Handling

Update 21 Maret 2013: Contoh penanganan data dari form pada file dapat di-download. Berikut ini adalah slide presentasi pada pertemuan IV: PHP File and Directory Handling untuk mata kuliah Pemrograman Web semester Genap 2012/2013. Kelas yang diampu adalah kelas: Sistem Informasi A Sistem Informasi B Informatika A Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pertemuan keempat mata kuliah ini mencakup penjelasan mengenai: File Handling Open and Closing File FIle Open Modes Read Data Opening Continue reading Pemrograman Web PTIIK Genap 2012/2013: PHP File and Directory Handling

Pemrograman Web: Tugas Pengganti Kuliah – Selasa 5 Maret 2013

Perkuliahan mata kuliah Pemrograman Web untuk kelas SI-A dan SI-B hari Selasa 5 Maret 2013 diberikan tugas pengganti perkuliahan dikarenakan saya selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah tersebut ada tugas untuk mengajar di Universitas Brawijaya Kediri. Adapun tugas pengganti untuk mata kuliah tersebut hari Selasa 5 Maret 2013 adalah: Carilah sebuah permasalahan dan algoritma yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut (contoh: sort, search, perpangkatan, dll). Daftar pilihannya dapat dilihat di link ini, Continue reading Pemrograman Web: Tugas Pengganti Kuliah – Selasa 5 Maret 2013