Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Apache HTTP Server (httpd) was included out of the box of Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) if you don’t know already. Prior to Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) can simply turn on “Web Sharing” to start Apache Web Server service, but from 10.8 onward you’ll need to use command line to start the Apache web server. mentioned here that we can use apachectl command to start and stop Continue reading Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

PHP Development: A Test-Driven

All Code is Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Even good programmers make mistakes. The difference between a good programmer and a bad programmer is that the good programmer uses tests to detect his mistakes as soon as possible. The sooner you test for a mistake the greater your chance of finding it and the less it will cost to find and fix. This explains why leaving testing until just before Continue reading PHP Development: A Test-Driven