Opening MacOS X Finder Window on A Hidden Folder from Terminal

Most Unix/Linux based operating system such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X has their own method to hide a specific file or folder from a File Manager application. A file or folder with a dot character (.) at the beginning on its name normally will not be shown by a simple ls command or File Manager application except configured to do so. On a Mac OS X Finder application, files Continue reading Opening MacOS X Finder Window on A Hidden Folder from Terminal

Enable DHCP Server on MacOS X Mountain Lion

MacOS X comes with DHCP server out of the box, but it is not enabled by default. The server, which is called bootpd in MacOS X, serves as DHCP server and BOOTP server. However, if you just need to enable DHCP server on your MacOS X, it is very easy. You need to create bootpd configuration file which is contains DHCP server configuration. The bootpd configurations are stored in /etc/bootpd.plist Continue reading Enable DHCP Server on MacOS X Mountain Lion

Install Raspbian Wheezy on Raspberry Pi SD Card Using MacOS X

Raspberry Pi is a credit card size ARM-powered mini computer which is very popular among embedded system developer and hobbyist. A vanilla Raspberry Pi is not come built-in with an operating system. The operating system for Raspberry Pi can be installed on an SD-card which is loaded during bootup process. So, to make your Raspberry Pi useful, you need to install an operating system into an SD Card, plug it Continue reading Install Raspbian Wheezy on Raspberry Pi SD Card Using MacOS X

How to fix warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)

When you do an SSH to a certain server and execute some command in terminal, you may notice a warning that said “warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)”. This caused a few problems when running some perl or installation scripts that would complain about the locale variables not being set. This warning occurs when I am trying to do a remote command to my Ubuntu server through an SSH from Continue reading How to fix warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)

MacOS X: Configure Apache HTTP Server to Support HTTPS

MacOS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion has built in Apache HTTP server as I previously mentioned here. By default, the web server has disabled it’s functionality to handle HTTPS request, it is HTTP over SSL a.k.a Secure HTTP. It is a good idea to test your HTTPS web application on localhost during development. Then enabling HTTPS functionality in Apache web server is a must. The steps to enable HTTPS functionality Continue reading MacOS X: Configure Apache HTTP Server to Support HTTPS

Hello, Ruby!

Ruby was come preinstalled on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, so for you who want to develop application using Ruby this one will come in handy. To check the Ruby version installed on your Mac, fire up the Terminal, and type: ruby -v For other OSes please refer to this article in downloading and installing Ruby on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Apache HTTP Server (httpd) was included out of the box of Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) if you don’t know already. Prior to Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) can simply turn on “Web Sharing” to start Apache Web Server service, but from 10.8 onward you’ll need to use command line to start the Apache web server. mentioned here that we can use apachectl command to start and stop Continue reading Start Apache HTTP Server Service on Mac OS X Mountain Lion